WORK SHOWS BIO CONTACT UNTITLED (PAINTINGS) Untitled (Bomb, 2005, #2), 2006, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″ Untitled (Cedars of Lebanon, 1968, #17), 2013, oil on linen, 84″ x 74″ Untitled (Air Raid, 1996, #2), 2006, oil on linen, 20″ x 23″ Untitled (Cedars of Lebanon, 1968, #9), 2006, oil on linen, 23″ x 20″ Untitled (Cedars of Lebanon, 1968, #10), 2007, oil on linen, 72″ x 64″ Untitled (Cedears of Lebanon, No Date), 2006, oil on wood, 36″ x 48″ Untiled (Cedars of Lebanon, 1968, # ), , oil on linen, 84″ x 74″ Untitled (Night Sky of Beirut, 1975, #1), 2009, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″ Untitled (Marine Barracks, 1983, #2), 2006, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″ Untitled (Bomb, 2005,#3), 2007, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″ Untitled (Marine Barracks, 1983, #3), 2007, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″ Untitled (Ruin, 2006, #1), 2006-7, oil on linen, 74″ x 84″